
Time & Location
Feb 23, 2021, 9:00 AM
granby ranch, 1000 Village Rd, Granby, CO 80446, USA
About the event
Hello fellow cannabis winter sports enthusiasts! We will have our first cannabis winter meet up at Ski Granby on February 23rd. HeSki Granbylpful details below. Please go to our website to RSVP for the event so that we know to expect you.
· First meeting time and area will be at 8:45 at the campfire near the patio of Blue Bird Bistro at the Sol Vista Basin Lodge
· Other meeting times and locations will be communicated via the What’s App platform (be sure to download before you arrive so that you get the group messages). Click here to join the group chat for on mountain communications.
· We will likely also meet up at end of day for drinks.
· Lift Tickets can be purchased online in advance at https://granbyranch.com/2020-2021-tickets-passes/ ($89 online, $99 at the window)
· Rentals are available from Granby at https://granbyranch.com/2020-2021-tickets-passes/ ($49 for a package)
o a more cost effective option is to rent from Breeze or Christy Sports as packages start as $20. There is a Breeze in Granby 62927 US Highway 40, Granby, CO 80446
· Directions- Take the exit onto I-70 W toward Grand Junction. Follow 1-70 W for approximately 30 miles. Take exit 232 for US-40 W toward Empire/Granby. Follow US-40 for approximately 45 miles. You will travel over Berthoud Pass, through Winter Park, Fraser and Tabernash before reaching the town of Granby. (1 hour, 44 minutes away)